Duties of Directorate:

  1. Providing weekly crop coverage data to the Crops Division in the prescribed template.
  2. Providing weekly weather watch report to the Crops Division.
  3. Submission of Quarterly progress report of schemes executed by Crops Division and Oilseeds Division (Centrally Sponsored Schemes) to the Crops Division.
  4. As a representative of Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture, in the Inter Ministerial Central teams to assess the damage due to floods, droughts and other natural calamities.
  5. Report on Pulses Seed Hubs, Breeder Seed Production and Cluster Demonstrations.
  6. Field visits to assess overall crop situation.
  7. Carrying out the field visits to assess the performance of Centrally Sponsored Schemes like NFSM, NMOOP, BGREI, RKVY and CDP.
  8. Evaluate the reports submitted by State Governments on the schemes funded by Government of India.
  9. To participate in different zonal meetings on Agriculture and other meetings organised by State Governments and ICAR Institutes from time to time.
  10. To prepare Status note of Agriculture situation of the assigned states.
  11. To document and share the success stories of Centrally Sponsored Schemes.